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Now that summer vacation is here, you can be sure of one thing—your kids are going to be spending a lot of time enjoying your pool. Some will be all about cannonball competitions and races from end to end, while others will want to spend the hours relaxing poolside or lazing in a floating lounger.

We’ve put together a list of our top five favourite pool games and included the rules for how to play. Check them out below:

 1.     Octopus

Think of this as water-based Red Rover. To play, you first need to pick someone who will be the “octopus” and stand in the middle of the pool. Everyone else then lines up at one end and, at the sound of the whistle, has to race to the other side without being tagged. Anyone tagged needs to join the octopus in the middle of the pool, holding hands in order to catch as many other people as possible until there’s only one left.

2.     Mermaid Races

Also called dolphin race or relay, this one is a test of endurance—pitting kid against kid (or team against team if you have four or more players) to see who can get their beach ball to the other end of the pool the fastest.

The secret: you can only use your nose to move the ball. If you use your hands, you have to go back to the beginning and start all over again. The first person or team to finish the challenge will be crowned the winner!

3.     Treasure Hunt

The goal of treasure hunt is to collect as many items as possible from the floor of the pool. Depending on what you have to work with, you can either stick to the classic rules (one point per item) or switch it up by making some pieces higher in value than others.

Things kids can safely hunt for include:

  • Rings.
  • Submersible toys.
  • Dive sticks.

Remember to choose toys that won’t harm the pool. In general, you should avoid sharp, jagged edges that can tear the liner or anything too small or light that can interfere with jets or filtration systems.

Water bottle placed beside the swimming pool.

4.     Invisi-bottle

Grab an empty two-litre bottle (an old pop or juice container is perfect) and fill it with water. Have everyone line up with their backs against the pool, waiting for the splash as the bottle lands. The first person to dive in and find the bottle will be crowned the winner!

5.     In-pool Whirlpool

To play this one, you need to find an area in your pool where it’s shallow enough that people can stand easily, but deep enough that they’ll be able to lift their legs up (tucking them in) without having their knees hit the bottom.

Get your friends together and form a circle. Decide on a direction, join hands, and then get moving. Start walking first; gradually picking up the pace to go more quickly (you want to get to the point where you’re almost running). After about 30 seconds (or when you have good momentum), tell everyone to pick up their feet. With luck, you’ll start floating in a spinning circle with a whirlpool swirling in the middle.

Do you want to learn about even more games your kids can try out this summer? Click here to see more ideas from Total Tech!

Remember to Play Safe

Whether you’re playing, exercising, or relaxing, pool safety should always be your number one priority:

  • Don’t allow running on the pool deck. A slick surface plus bare feet is a recipe for a painful, game-ending fall.
  • Don’t keep sharp or electrical objects near the pool, as they can present major safety hazards.
  • Use underwater lighting to illuminate the pool, especially if you and your family are fans of nighttime swimming.
  • Keep chemicals away from children and pets. Anyone trusted to handle them should be familiar with safe storage and use practices.
  • Make sure gates and fences are closed and secure. Check with your local municipality for current regulations.

Don’t forget to get your kids actively involved in pool safety. Although children should always be supervised when in or around the water, they should also be educated about the safest ways to use a pool and what to do in the event of an emergency.

Dave Warren