Important Pool Safety Tips
Remember there is no substitute for proper supervision!!
- Ensure that all gates are self-closing and latching and that fencing is intact and secure. Check with your local municipality for current regulations.
- Instruct children on the safest way to use the pool as well as emergency procedures.
- Do not allow running around the pool.
- Keep all glass and other sharp items away from the pool.
- Keep all electrical sources away from the pool.
- Install adequate underwater lighting for night-time swimming (these are available as an easily installed addition at minimal cost).
- Ensure your pool is safe for diving and instruct bathers on the correct way to dive.
- Slides are unsafe at the best of times.
- Keep all chemicals out of reach of children and pets.
- Ensure that you are familiar with the safe handling, storage, and use of all chemicals.
** These tips are not intended to advise you on all safety precautions relating to pools.**